Know How Much Money You’re Worth

如何合理设定自己的目标工资往往是拿到offer, 或者在negotiate offer 时最头疼的事情,这个视频将为大家简单介绍3个资源 1), 相似职位的大概工资范围,可以作为最初参考 2)H1B salary database: 数据很准确,可以搜索公司付给同职位的工资,和其他公司付给相似职位的工资 3)CNN Money Living Cost Index: 告诉你根据不同城市的生活水准,来换算同等工资水平 请点击以下视频关注更多细节

Success Stories for environmental engineer government jobs – from Fangyun (Vivien) Zhong

Please find the success stories from Fangyun (Vivien) Zhong. Vivien, currently working as Environmental Engineer at North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Before that, she worked as an engineer intern at Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and a professional aide in Michigan State University. Listen to her stories how she …

Success Stories for analyst job hunting and job hopping

Please find the success stories from Xiaofei Wen. Xiaofei, currently working as Machine Learning Software Engineer at Title Source. Before that, he worked as senior GIS associate at Ramboll Environ. Listen to his stories how he found the first and second job and how he successfully finished job hopping.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. At Career0to1 we have a few fundamental principles that we follow: We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it. (We can’t stand services that ask you for things like your gender or income level for no apparent reason.) We …

Batch change .txt to .csv

Please copy the following into the notepad, change the suffix to .bat @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%F in (*.txt) do ( set /p .=Processing [%%~F] … <nul set “firstline=” (for /f “tokens=* usebackq” %%a in (“%%~nxF”) do ( if not defined firstline ( set firstline=%%a echo !firstline:”=! ) else …

Batch merge csv

Please copy the following into the notepad, change the suffix to .bat for /f %%a in (‘dir /b *.CSV’) do for /f “tokens=*” %%b in (%%a) do echo %%b,%%a >> all.csv Place it in your folder, together with all other .csv file. Double click .bat file, it will generate the …

Professional Engineer (PE) Environmental Engineering

My strategy is to browse the reference manual quickly at first, so that i know where is everything and what they are generally talking about (you do not need to understand everything). Then I use the environmental engineering questions and solutions book, look at the question and look at the …

ESRI Desktop Associate

ESRI Desktop Associate 10.3 Preparation Guide Be sure to take the free samples questions from ESRI before going to exam Esri ArcGIS Desktop Associate Certification Study Guide covers most of the topics (except for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online) Be sure to familiar with the following topics The …